Saturday, August 16, 2014

It's Bright Idea Time!

HI, Friends! How are ya? It’s time for another round of bright ideas!


This one…is a favorite! My son’s teacher from last year actually inspired it! Let’s get to it!


Journaling has become all the rage in classrooms all over the country! I love using journals in the classroom, BUT always hesitated to store them in stations for students because I didn’t want those pesky spirals to get tangled. Composition notebooks are PERFECT, BUT….can be a bit pricey!


Even still, there were times that I’ve tried to store notebooks in bins only to have an upset kiddo struggle to detangle his journal from a friend’s in order to get to work. Well, thanks to the nifty thinking of a certain lovely, 3rd grade teacher……we shall detangle NO MORE!


With a handy dandy roll of duct tape and scissors….you can solve your tangled spiral problems like this…..


Use the dotted line that runs down the front of the spiral as a guide to adhere a length of duct tape. Turn the notebook over onto its cover and fold the duct tape over the spiral to adhere to the back of the notebook.


Lay open and flat to double check that you haven’t stuck any writing pages together. =)


….and viola! Instant “composition books”….no tangles….AND with all the different types of duct tape available now, you can color code for organization too! No more mixed up, tangled spiral notebooks! Thanks, Mr. Love! Love ya!

If you enjoyed this bright idea, please consider joining me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for more great ideas.

For more bright ideas from more than 100 different bloggers, please browse through the link-up below and choose a topic/grade level that interests you. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a great idea! I'll have to try it! Thanks!

    The Reinspired Teacher

  2. Bent spirals drive me crazy too! And the kids play with them! Ugh! Great idea to eliminate that!

    Jennifer from Simply Kinder

  3. This is genius!! Can't wait to try it out! With turquoise duct tape of course!! :)

    Katie :)
    KTP: Keep Teaching and Planning!


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