I’ve been sitting at my computer lost in Blogland for a ridonkulous amount of time getting to know lots of fab bloggers a little better through Amy Lemmons’ Tell Me More Linky. {lightbulb!} Why don’t I tell you a little more?
So, I hopped over here to join in the fun! Bloggers are some very interesting people! I have got to get out more, lol!

1. I enjoy doing hair. When I was growing up, I did mine, my mom’s, my grandmother’s and always experimented on my little sister. I’d cut it, style it….they even trusted me to put chemicals in it! AND we all still have hair! Hahaa! Best of all, God blessed me with 2 beautiful daughters with a head full of it! My own personal barbies…
BUT, strangely enough…I keep mine super short because I don’t like to feel it touching my skin and my oldest daughter cut off every inch of her long locks as soon as she got the chance!
2. I *LOVE* to take pictures! I take pictures of EVERYTHING! I’m a super visual person! You’ll see a lot of my son if you follow my blog faithfully. My daughter, Deja, not so much….she literally runs when I pull out the handy dandy iPhone to snap one.
My collection includes several of them with the Old Navy modelquins! Hahahaa!!! Am I the only one that does this? I’ve got tons of them for every season and Old Navy sale, lol!
3. Teaching is a definite passion. Luckily, I’ve always had the honor of being a part of some awesome teaching teams! Nothing makes going to work easier than enjoying the people that you work with!
I worked with these ladies my very first year in 1st grade and they are absolutely INCREDIBLE! Even though we’re now spread across different states and campuses, we still collaborate and keep in touch with one another.

I’ll miss this crazy crew, this year too! We had lots of fun and dramatic moments opening a new campus together last year, so much so, our team was nicknamed “The Drama Queens”! Can you say, BIG PERSONALITIES? :-)
4. I despise the work that it takes to paint a room, but *LOVE* the end product, so I’ve been working through each room of my house adding a touch of color.
5. My two favorite colors? Pink and Green. Their an ode to my college sorority! We have a local graduate chapter full of amazing women, but the demands of being a wife, mommy, and teacher have had to come first. One day, when there’s a little more me time, I’ll rejoin my pretty sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
6. Something that I really don’t like? Being outside. Heat.Cold. Bugs, yuk! {Deathly afraid of dogs and the dentist} Vegetables. Tight clothes. Sea food, though I love fish. Missing a great shoe sale, lol!
7. My favorite movies are all kid’s movies! What can I say? I’m a big kid! Most of what I see is animated. I’m a mommy and a wife to an Army NCO. Most of his time is dedicated to caring for his soldiers or committing to deployments. We appreciate all he does to defend our freedom and provide for our family. While Daddy’s working, mommy has to do SOMETHING to keep the natives entertained.

My absolute favorite is Meet the Robinsons! It reminds me of my crazy, quirky family!
8. I’m the ONLY one of my siblings that does not have a tattoo! Meeting with a needle for recreational purposes is not on my list of favorite things to do either!
9. Whenever I feel discouraged or down, this is what I have to remind myself of and know that everything…………….eventually………….will be okay.
10. I do my best work late at night and I love to laugh! I’ve been told, I have quite the comedic timing. I won’t give up my day job just yet, but nothing is better for the soul than a good laugh!
I’ve also discovered that I have a little mini-me that is quite the clown too! I wish his 2nd grade teacher well, lol! And I hope she enjoys a good ha-ha as much as he does!
Well, that’s me in a nutshell, for now! Silly, quirky, photographer, creative….me! See ya soon, blog buds! I hope you’ll enjoy Amy’s Linky as much as I have!